NATOOL – nature as a pedagogical tool

NATOOL – Nature As a pedagogical TOOL 2011-2013

Slutrapportering: Detta projekt är avslutat under sommaren 2013. Det har varit inspirerande med möten mellan naturskolorna, pedagoger, skolledning och förvaltning i Tallinn och Norrtälje. Projektet har skett i samarbete med Naturcentrum, Uppsala universitet Erkenlaboratoriet och Norrtälje kommun.

This is a Comenius Regio – Partnership between Norrtälje and Tallinn.

  1. To establish nature- and water days as a part of the curriculum of primary schools in the two partner regions
  2. To inspire teachers in outdoor pedagogics, how nature can be used in different subjects
  3. Raise interest for ecology, biodiversity and natural sciences

Who are we?

  • teachers from Tallin
  • teachers from Svanberga school (year 4-6 and 7-9) -Norrtälje
  • teachers from Montessori – Norrtälje (year 7-9)
  • administrators from Tallinn muncipality
  • administrators from Norrtälje muncipality
  • outdoor educators from Nõmme Nature House -Tallinn
  • outdoor educators from Färsna Farm-Norrtälje

Total: 20 participants – the seminar group. The project including workshops, seminars and discussions in both countries. Except the seminar group many teachers will be invited to the workshops and seminars.

What we hope for!

If the project succeeds – all schools in the two regions will be able to access the outdoor education facilities and have activities that are well integrated with the schools curricula and course plan.
Norrtälje Naturvårdsstiftelse is very satisfied and the project has given us opportunities to invite more classes and teachers to our Natureschool.

Please, contact Anna Westerlund at Norrtälje Naturecenter if You have questions about the project.
